#holiday traditions

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6 months ago

Ask Amy: A boy reading Judy Blume, and other inspiring tales

Giving books as gifts on Christmas morning can be a meaningful tradition
Reading together as a family can foster a love for literature and literacy [ more ]
Washington Post
6 months ago
LA Kings

U.K. a cappella group King's Singers returns to D.C. with message of unity

The King's Singers, a British a cappella group, consider Washington D.C. as a home away from home during their travels.
The group blends holiday classics and contemporary songs to create a program that appeals to the American audience. [ more ]
New York Post
6 months ago

Tinsel trees make a controversial comeback as Gen Z leans into gaudy holiday nostalgia: 'Looks like Xmas vomit'

Gen Z nostalgia has brought back the trend of tinsel trees for the holidays.
There is a debate on TikTok about the return of tinsel trees, with some people loving the trend and others strongly opposing it. [ more ]
7 months ago
Dallas Cowboys

Welcome to Thanksgiving in the NFL: Everything you need to know about the history, records, moments and more

Thanksgiving Day is a tradition for football fans, with the Detroit Lions and Dallas Cowboys hosting games every year since the 1930s.
The NFL added a third game to the Thanksgiving Day schedule in 2006.
The article explores the history of Thanksgiving Day football and provides stats and notable moments from past games. [ more ]
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